Laying the groundwork for my new blog - welcome!

As much as I love to write, in the past I never fully committed to it on a disciplined, regular basis, nor did I have an outlet to filter all the words in my head onto the right medium. Since building my new website, this blog is going to be that outlet for me, and hopefully will provide some fun reading for anyone else who'd like to join me on this journey!

So, what am I going to be writing about? Most likely, a wide spectrum of topics—ones that I'm still coming up with. I want to primarily focus on the two big passion areas of my life, at least for now: digital marketing, and storytelling/entertainment media. Both of these areas often intersect in fascinating ways, and through this blog, I'll be able to dig into these topics in-depth. Of course, I won't consign myself to JUST those areas, but I consider both to be the bedrock on which I continue to build this blog. Don't be surprised if you see a spike in Richmond, Virginia-related content too, as my girlfriend Erin and I continue to explore our newly adopted city that we've quickly fallen in love with.

It’s my hope that anyone perusing my blog finds value or enjoyment through reading my work, as a brief escape from the crazy world we all inhabit. If you have comments, questions, ideas, or any feedback whatsoever, I would love to hear from you–feel free to comment or send me a note via my contact form!

Another important facet of my blog will be both long-form content and shorter pieces. There are few things I love more than just sitting down and investigating an area of interest in great depth and detail. But at other times, I will write shorter pieces that provide a little glimpse into my thought process, personality, or simply a topic that I'm truly enamored with. I'll be learning as I go, and your feedback will be immensely helpful for that process.

Thanks again for stopping by, and for sharing any ideas or feedback that comes to mind. I'm glad you're here and hope you'll stick around for more in the near future!


Understanding Exactly Why Letterboxd is an Organized Movie Lover’s Dream